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Where do I start? I am 110% so proud of myself for everything I did when it came to Alex’s email. Yes, I feel lonely, but that’s an okay feeling I need to look at that loneliness and wonder why and what behaviours can I do to change that?  One of my first ones is doing something enjoyable and nourishing to those happy feelings To start off with today at Weight Watchers or WW we chose a word we wanted to be the centre of our 2024. I decided nourishment and enjoyable  These are two features that haven’t been in my life, truly for too many years that was before Alex even left So today I took time for myself and finished my book which has taken me over a year to read, but I took time for me  Nourishment Well I chose to eat good fats rather than bad fats today, so a yoghurt with blueberries and raspberries for breakfast, avocado and crackers for lunch and for dinner I’m thinking a protein shake. So my intentions started off great, and then l got hungry during my shift. So l ended up eating
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So as I wake it’s 6:31am, was last night real? Did I really kick my ex husband to the curb? Yes, why yes I did. What is ahead for me the first day of 2024 well I’m on the search for a portable blender so when I’m working I can blitz up a shake as there will be no excuse. Excuses can ge so rampant in my mind, the I can’t do that; I don’t deserve that; or more importantly I won’t do that. I have found myself in those negative mindsets of jealousy, and envy to be like this or that person. But what I have learnt from 2023 is I don’t need to do that, even the people I am wanting to be have those same issues and flaws.
I'm sitting here watching "Embrace" and it really hit me hard. I so want a new life and l need to own this life l want. I need to start accepting and loving myself like others do. So in 2024, l plan to do daily messages as a purpose of documenting this path which is ahead as it will be extremely hard but my biggest turning point was ending everything with my ex-husband. That energy l have held onto for so long l need to turn around and put into a completely different realm and on myself. I miss being me and the person l honestly am. I'm excited to see what is ahead.